Sunday, 30 October 2016

Update: I got electrocuted. Also, I moved back to the UK.

Well, now seems as good a time as ever to restart things.

(The title is slightly inaccurate, by the way. I didn't know this until today, but apparently "electrocution" refers specifically to death by electric shock - a portmanteau of "electric" and "execution". And as you may be able to tell, I'm not dead. But I like the term anyway.)

It's been a while, so let's recap. I moved from Japan, back to the UK. There will be more details about this later.

I readjusted to my old bedroom, which is in the loft and is therefore unbearably cold in winter and unfathomably warm in summer.

I got electrocuted by a rogue mains socket in the house. It hurt. It did not kill me or mess up my heartrate. It did, however, give me a mild phobia of charging my phone.

I found a new job and started volunteering.

I'm looking for a new place to live, because once you've lived away from home you realise that having full control of the TV remote is a lot more important than you thought it was. Also, living in a place that does not shoot you full of electricity is a lot more important than you thought it was.

I'm re-learning how to play the piano.

I'm looking forward to my first proper Christmas in three years.

And, hopefully, I'm blogging. It's something I like to do for fun - and for the vast swathes of adoring compliments it brings me - but I'm not really sure what direction this blog is going to take now, once I've finished the last few posts about my final months in Japan. When I was there, it was pretty easy to figure out what I was going to write about. Being in Japan is interesting and people wanted to know things about it. Whenever I went to places, I took pictures, I posted them and I wrote things about them. Now I'm back here, I get pretty excited about things I didn't get to see for a while - hey, a red squirrel! look, a cancelled train! - but I don't think that's very interesting to anyone else, so I'm not sure what I'll end up writing. Like life, I'll just have to figure the blog out as I go along, I guess.

I think that brings us up to speed. Let me know if you have any ideas about what to do with this blog, or whether you think I should use my new electric-type superpowers for good or for evil.

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