Sunday, 22 January 2017

Cribs 2017: The Unheated Studio Flat Edition

It took a bit of time, but I'm here. I've got bin-liners and an Allen key. I'm about to tackle Ikea self-assembly. I've gone mattress shopping, which as it turns out is a very pleasant experience where they give you cups of tea and invite you to bounce on a variety of expensive beds. I've had the internet set up twice, once on Monday and once more when it broke down half an hour later. I've moved my furniture around pointlessly out of pure curiosity. I've become dictator of the central heating.

I've moved into my own flat.

Okay, so the mattress I bought won't arrive for a few more days, so in the meantime I'm sleeping on a rather uncomfortable sofabed (I keep dreaming I'm an Indian yogi lying on a bed of nails to impress my circle of hippie followers). And the radiator is tiny. And there's bird poo on the window. But the window's so big! And it's mine (well, rented). The kitchen's adorable and the bathroom's surprisingly spacious. I'm on a leafy street with an easy walk to the beach and the city. I feel very lucky and I think once I actually have, y'know, basic furniture I'll have something pretty nice going on. The space is small but I think I can make it cosy and welcoming if I invest in a couple more candles and drapey materials. I've only been here a few days so I still feel a bit in-between, but I'm looking forward to being properly settled in. Living by yourself for the first time opens up a lot of opportunities to cook in your pyjamas while you play the same Dead Kennedys song on loop and rest assured, I will be taking those opportunities. Plus, I'm eliminating the two-hour-per-day commute I've been doing the last three months, and that frees up a lot of time for blogging and mooching about in cafes.

Life is good.

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